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Unnatural Selection: Often, it loses itself in the minute personal drama of the people involved, and honestly at four hour-long episodes, it does feel a bit too padded out for the views, but nevertheless it delivers on what every good documentary aspires to: blowing your mind. More than a few times, it felt like I was watching a science fiction film, or reading a Peter Watts book, rather than a documentation of reality. If you watch Unnatural Selection and aren't hyped for what's to come, there's probably nothing out there that will convince you, unless you see it happening before your very eyes.
Communism, and more broadly egalitarianism, is based on the principle of eradicating the distinctions of class between people, in particular focusing on wealth, but also including gender and race and so on. Incels are people—mostly men—who want to get laid but can’t. In particular, blackpilled incels have an ideology vaguely similar to MGTOW, that in addition to incelibacy includes critique of women’s behaviour, often harshly spoken. There is a belief in left-wing circles that incels will be fixed by left-wing policies, but I think this is divorced from the truth, and in fact they will exacerbate the problem.
Se le llama ingeniería inversa cruck, así guerrean las civilizaciones entre sí.
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